Friday, February 17, 2017


Sermon Summary (1/22/17), “Come and See”  John 1:35-49

This sermon is based on a wonderful presentation by Rev. Matt Miofsky and Annual Conference 2016 that can be view at  I highly recommend you take the time to view it.  In the verses from John above (read it too), Andrew, Peter, Philip and Nathanael all receive invitations and respond because of their relationships, not because they know or know of Jesus.

The premise that there is someone you know that you wish was in church with you this morning.  Without evoking the dreaded “E” word (“Evangelism,” that Matt says is really hospitality to those not here yet), Matt says, “Come and See.”  Eighty five percent of those who come to church do so because of Invitation.  Evangelism is about invitation.  Eighty two percent of those invited will come and see.

Matt points out that there is a difference between an announcement and an invitation.  An announcement requires no response.  An invitation requires a “yes” or a “no.”  My granddaughter announced that she love the move “La, La Land” and that we ought to go.  Had she said, “I loved that move so much that I’m going again tomorrow.  Would you come with me?”  That is an invitation.

All you need to make invitation is something you are passionate about and a few friends.  We ought to be as passionate about our faith and our church as “La, La Land” don’t you think? 

Evangelism is about relationship. None of the people who were invited knew anything about Jesus.  John the Baptist’s disciples knew nothing of Jesus but they had a relationship with John.  He invited them to follow Jesus.  Peter knew nothing about Jesus but he was Andrew’s brother and he went and say.  Philip did not know anything about Jesus but he was from the home town of Andrew and Peter.  Nathanael, the skeptic knew nothing of Jesus, but had a relationship with Philip.  The disciples who changed the world responded to their friends before they responded to Jesus. Evangelism is about relationship.  

Evangelism is about connecting people to Jesus.  We need to be doing the things that connect people to Jesus.  Worship is seldom enough.  That’s why we have Sunday School and Disciple Bible Study and Wednesday Night Worship and Study.  It’s about Jesus.

Lastly, evangelism is about changing lives in Jesus Christ.  Matt included stories of people whose lives were changed because friends or relatives or neighbors asked them to “Come and see,” with prayers and persistence.  Jesus says “Come and see, abide with me.”  Invitation begins with a passion and a friend.  Who is it that you wish was with you today?  Ask them to “Come and see, come with me.”

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