Monday, March 24, 2008



What a day! Yesterday I noted that if we really believed this (the resurrection, the resurrection power of God in Jesus Christ) that every Sunday would be Easter. No, every day would be Easter!

But I’m glad every day is not Easter. Then every day would be every day. Without plains there cannot be mountains. Without Ordinary Time there would not be the exhilaration of Easter! Every day may not be Easter, but the joy of this one will carry me through many days more. "He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!"

Which reminds me, we stopped a G&D Steakhouse after the service and Angelo came by to sit with us. While there a Rotary friend, an active member of Forum Boulevard Christian, and his wife stopped by. We exchanged the Easter greeting (Indeed!). Angelo said, “Do you say that, too?” He then mimicked the greeting in Greek. It was beautiful. The syllables and sounds seemed to perfectly mirror one another and it was compact and succinct. In a way, just right. For a lay person with no Greek language background (I know about agape), I gained an appreciation of what Easter joy must have been to the first century Christians.

I hope your Easter was also joyous, a mountain-top experience. (Did I say that Smith Chapel UMC had a record crowd at our little church, or that we had two baptisms? God is great! He has raised us to new life!)

Blessings all,



Song of Deborah said...

Through faith in Jesus Christ, we can experience the resurrection power and walk in it every day! Glory be to God who gives us new life! Happy Easter to you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rick,
I enjoy reading your blog. It is good to know you are continuing to enjoy your ministry.
Becky Schmidt