Monday, January 26, 2009

Developing Principled Christian Leaders for the Church and the World

I just read in detail the "Four Areas of Focus" of the United Methodist Church that are to set the course for the church in the next quadrennium. Good stuff, BUT

In the 23 tasks to "Develop Principled Christian Leadership for the Church and the World" there was no mention of a role for Lay Speaking Ministries whose task it is to "Equip United Methodists for All Facets of Lay Ministry." (The latter is the tag line of the Missouri Conference and is generally accepted in wider circles.)

Lay Speaking Ministries has broadened over the last decade to include training congregations in leadership, caring ministries as well as communicating. Lay Speakers do far more than provide pulpit supply, in fact lay speakers need not provide pulpit supply at all.

Courses are available to teach deep hospitality (Lead Small Groups, Evangelism, Creating Faith Communities), faith development (Lead Prayer, Lead Bible Study, Teaching Adults, Cultivate Christian Community, Methodist Heritage, Accountable Discipleship, Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition), outreach (Lead Mission Outreach, Lay Pastoral Care, Discover Spiritual Gifts), Lead in Stewardship, as well as worship leadership, preaching and storytelling.

Courses are open to all and are professionally lead. Request that instructors come to your church to develop your ministries. Search out what we can do for you, for your particular congregation. What training does your church need? Work with you DS and District Director of Lay Speaking Ministries. Expect excellence and make us accountable.

Lay Speaking Ministries has a role to play in "Making disciples for the transformation of the world."

One of my disappointments is that we have failed to fund lay speaking ministries for the Central Conference. Sandy Jackson, advocate at GBOD, had started an inspiring program in Uganda, training a young person as a lay speaker and then as a district director. He traveled Uganda and southern Sudan at great peril for a pittance to train others and tell the good news of Jesus Christ. Often it was the only training that young pastors and laity received. It has ceased for lack of funds.

People of God, if you want to make an impact on the world, sit down right now and make out a check and send it to Sandy Jackson, Director of Lay Leadership Development, The General Board of Discipleship, PO Box 340003, Nashville TN 37203-0003. Note on the check, Central Conference Lay Speaking.

That's one way we can "Train Principled Christian Leaders for the Church and for the World."


Director of Lay Speaking Ministries, Missouri Conference

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